Musical Excerpts from Spoon River Anthology
Madrone Theatre Company, Medford, Oregon, October 2016

In his 1915 masterpiece, Spoon River Anthology, Edgar Lee Masters created "epitaphs" for hundreds of colorful and mostly fictional personalities. One century later, the Madrone Theatre Company brought 50 of those characters to life. David Gordon created a pastiche of 30 authentic 19th and early 20th century songs to create a continuity throughout the performance. This audio playlist is only a partial sample. The songs are listed here by Spoon River character rather than title. How many songs do you recognize?  Click here to view the entire list of songs in the show.

Because this music was part of a spoken narrative,
some clips end abruptly or overlap the dialogue

The Madrone Theatre Company

Jois Harkness, Ron Danko, Rob Hirschboeck, David Sours,
Lea Worcester, Constance Jesser, David Gordon
Photo by Steven Addington

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